Fund Fundamentals

Fund Fundamentals provides future fund managers with the critical insights and hands-on workshops to curate a deeper understanding of what it takes to launch their first fund.

About Fund Fundamentals

Since 2020, our flagship VC Include (VCI) Fellowship program has benefitted General Partners (GPs) who are raising their first venture capital or private equity fund. We created the Fund Fundamentals program because we know that hundreds more burgeoning investors are just beginning their journey and are seeking support as they get started.

These are the future fund managers who are looking for a 1-2 year roadmap to prepare to launch their fund, to plan for financial implications, and to build a robust network before they go to market.    

Sponsored by the Nasdaq Foundation, the inaugural Fund Fundamentals program provided a cohort of 25 future impact fund managers with the timely, supportive guidance they needed to create an onramp to begin their firm building and fundraising efforts.